Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spring Flower Update

My pots are starting to fill in just a little bit. Mom and I were talking about flowers in the truck on the way back from the funeral yesterday so I thought maybe it was time to post some updated pictures. I wish I could remember what the big tall-stalked plants are with the pretty rose-like red flowers that have grown so tall. They have only started blooming in one of the hanging pots but the flowers are profuse and so beautiful! I am so pleased with the coloring in the pots this year. The red and blue blooms are set off nicely by the chartreuse foliage. Can you see the red-stalk kale in the back of the pot? I hope it doesn't grow so big that I regret putting it in there. For now I really like it.This little pot on my old rutic picket bench is doing well too but I can't wait for the fuschias to start blooming.
My bigger blue pot is doing very well too. It too will benefit from the fuschias blooming. I don't see buds yet but hopefully soon!
We're only 2 weeks away from the official start of summer. Here's to lots more nice sunny days so the flowers continue to flourish!

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