Saturday, June 20, 2009

Carol's Birthday - Part 2

Saturday was a fun, busy day. With the kids both gone Carol and I went to breakfast at the Sunbreak Cafe in the morning. We had a very nice breakfast and enjoyed the opportunity to talk about real-live-grown-up-stuff. And breakfast was wonderfully delicious as it always is at Sunbreak Cafe. Mmmmmm....banana bread!
After breakfast we ran out to mom & dad's to get Dakota. Then time to hurry to the PTA BBQ... Carol and I somehow ended up getting chosen as the co-secretaries of the Terminal Park PTA. Because, apparently, we didn't have enough things to do & needed something more to keep us busy. Anyway, then we stopped at Roscoe & Eileen Strimple's to install a grab-bar in the bathroom for Roscoe.

Dakota was a huge help. He loves to learn how to put things together.

Showing off his finished work. We hope it will be a help to Roscoe.

When Marina got home in the evening it was finally time for Carol to open her birthday presents. Doesn't she look excited?

Oh boy... a fancy Sudoku book!
And... could it be? Really?! A Bluetooth for her phone! Now Carol doesn't have to be hampered from talking on the phone EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF THE DAY! WHEEEEEE!Happy Birthday, Honey!

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